Tuesday, October 04, 2005

From the Department of Weird Interpretations of Adam Smith

In Executive Intelligence, 7 October 2005 Issue:

"From Kant to Riemann: The Shape of Empty Space"

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.September 10, 2005

"Leibniz-hater Kant reflected his father's Scottish origins in the worst possible light, in his role as the intellectual lackey of the mentally unstable David Hume, until the concluding decades of Kant's own life. Then, Kant openly broke his official intellectual ties with Hume, and subsequently produced the series on the subject of so-called "Critical Philosophy" published during the 1780s and early 1790s.The pivot of Kant's break with Hume had been the implications of the American Revolution's Leibnizian philosophical triumph over the Anglo-Dutch Liberalism represented by John Locke and, more immediately, Hume, and by the hater of the American Declaration of Independence, Lord Shelburne's lackey Adam Smith. The implications of that are underlined by the fact that Smith's most celebrated writing, his so-called The Wealth of Nations, is a propaganda tract which was predominantly a ranting spew of hatred against the cause represented by the U.S. Declaration of Independence."

That has got to be the weirdest interpretation of Smith's "Wealth of Nations" on the subject of American independence that I have ever read. It is so off line as to be a parody, and a mischevious one at that. Smith's entire Lectures on Jurisprudence (1763), extolling the virtues of democratic governments, republican even, habeas corpus, trial by jury, election to parliament, separation of powers, opposition to the divine right of monarchy, independence of the judiciary, and, of course, Natural Liberty, suggest that Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr, is eccentric in his world views, unless the US Declaration of Independence he reads is not the one I read (and the Founding Fathers wrote).


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