Thursday, September 29, 2005

New 'Kid' on the Blog

A new Blog site is open for traffic: "Adam Smith Lives!". It is written by (Sandra Peart) and for those interested in the history of economics thought from an academic and general reader angle.

Teachers of economics would benefit from the subject matter and its interesting snippets of how subjects were treated in the pastwhich would add 'fire' to class discussions and tutorials, and perhaps that favourite in academe, class papers.

Despite its attention grabbing title (I like it) there is a much wider coverage than Adam Smith alone. You will find it at:

In a short while Lost Legacy will link to it (memo to technology department: attend to this requirement asap, please). Adam Smith Lives! also contains some interesting links of other sites interested in the history of economics theme which may appeal to many readers here.

Check it out; bookmark it; and pay attention while you make notes!


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