Thursday, November 01, 2007

Adam Smith Manuscript Arrives for Author's Editing

Apologies for an absence since Sunday.

Two factors intervened: one, I have received the editor's copy of the manuscript in the 'Great Thinkers' series for Palgrave and have been responding on my online version, plus editing to reduce the wordage; hopefully, by repetitions, and sloppy sentences and not by major cuts (the fate of my earlier, Adam Smith's Lost Legacy, 2005); and two, my old day job caught up (two-and-a-half years after retiring from Edinburgh Business School) with running a strategy course for investment managers.

The first diversion had my attention when normally I would write posts ahead, the second left me exhausted each day (I am not as young as I used to be!).

I should hope that readers are pleased that my new book (working title, Adam Smith!) is several steps nearer to publication. Palgrave readers and the editor are fairly excited by it, as am I, and checking everything takes time. They want the manuscript back in about three weeks, so it is receiving my close attention.

Later today, I shall post a couple of pieces that have accumulated in my in-tray and I shall also comment on aspects of 'Adam Smith' as I work through the chapters.


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