Friday, December 08, 2006

Reading Smith on Jurisprudence in Zimbabwe?

A surprising source, The Herald, Zimbabwe, no less, carries an OpEd that states:

LAW and economics of development focus on the effects well-functioning legal and judicial systems have on economic efficiency and development.
Adam Smith, in his "Lectures on Jurisprudence", states that greatly retarded commerce was the imperfection of the law and the uncertainty in its application.
Entrenched corrupt practices within the public sector, i.e. official systemic corruption, hamper the clear definition and enforcement of laws, and impede commerce in the process.

Systemic corruption in the public sector can be defined as the systematic use of public office for private benefit that results in the reduction in the quality or availability of public goods and services.”

The writer, ‘Innocent Mawire’, Harare, is a legal officer in the department of policy and legal research in the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.

He makes a trenchant legal case against corruption, he quotes from Smith’s Lectures in Jurisprudence, (which it is encouraging to note that somebody in Zimbabwe has read this central text in Smith’s contributions), and he does this in the capital of a country renowned for its corruption and political tyranny, one of the (too) many examples of what maintains poverty in Africa.

What does it mean?

Read the entire article, Zimbabwe: ‘Fighting Corruption Within Judiciary Crucial’ in at:


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