Friday, August 03, 2007

Noticed by Other Blogs 1

I've noticed recently that Adam Smith's Lost Legacy is being noticed on other Blogs in the Blogosphere and previously I have done nothing about it.

My reader may be interested that he/she is not alone in reading Lost Legacy on a regular basis, so in future when a Blog refers to Lost Legacy is will post a note here for you to follow up, and hopefully enjoy

Today's posting from Lost Legacy is on Sophistpundit at:

which picks on my morning post about Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts, a candidate for the Republican Party nomination for President, and his impolite swipe at Hilary Clinton, a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination for President.

Have a look at Sophistpundit ('Self-consciously Pretentious Since November 16, 2004') HERE.


Blogger Ken Houghton said...

Oh, great. This means I have to stop citing you (as per Chris Dillow's dictum here.

5:38 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, thanks! I just recently started using Google Reader, which allows me to keep track of who's updating and read many many more blog posts than I've ever been able to before. So I saw that you'd updated and felt like you did justice to a concept that no one ever seems to pay lip service to--the fact that the free market, which is often characterized as a place that isolates and exploits, is actually a community of individuals who depend upon one another.

The "free" part of "free market" is just the fact that that interdependence is built upon choices made by the individuals themselves; doesn't change the fact that we're all in this together, as they say.

8:50 pm  
Blogger Gavin Kennedy said...

No, no .. please keep citing! Thanks

Adam Gurri

You are so right about the 'free market', and unfortunately far too wide a term with multiple meanings.

Dependence on each other as individuals is the key; Rousseau got this wrong and made freedom to choose a form of 'slavery'. I shall post a comment on your comment on the main board today.


7:05 am  

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